In English

Welcome to Stall Ofcourse!

Stall Ofcourse is a new company on the market that takes care of the sometimes boring and complicated administrative part of horse ownership.

User perspective and problem solving have been our keywords in the work with Stall Ofcourse, a sustainable horse ownership for everyone in the game of horse racing.

On Your terms!

Our idea is to make it easier for you as a horse owner through flexible solutions, adapted to the needs of the market through the possibility of owning a horse, both via your company and/or private.

Simply horse ownership on your terms!

Who are we?

We who work with Stall Ofcourse are some of equestrian sport's most dedicated names; Lukas Svedin, stallion agent, horse owner and media seller, Anna Hägglund economist with extensive experience in both numbers, horses and horse ownership, Ola Lernå, former editor-in-chief at Travronden, journalist, horse owner who also runs the auction site, Mats Norberg, tax expert with many years of experience in share ownership.

Please note that for the moment You have to have swedish Bank-ID to create an account and log on to Stall Ofcourse.

Do you want to know more? Welcome to contact us!

Email us at: or call (mon-fri 10am-2pm)
+46 70-224 47 47